14 September, 2021

Did you know that your dental health and a confident smile directly impact your overall well-being? When you have one or more missing teeth due to tooth loss, an injury, or other causes, your dentist may recommend dental dentures. Dentures help protect your health, speech, smile, and ability from chewing food. Unfortunately, finding affordable dentures isn’t always easy. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of traditional dentures, partial traditional dentures,  and implant-supported dentures, exploring options, benefits, and tips for obtaining quality dentures on a budget.

Types of Dentures

If you’re researching different dentures to see which one is right for you, we can help. Here are the most common types of dentures:

  • Full Dentures are suitable for individuals who have lost all their natural teeth. They consist of a complete set of upper and lower teeth supported by a gum-colored acrylic base. Full dentures are removable, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance.
  • Partial dentures are ideal for patients who still have some of their natural teeth. These dentures are designed to fill the gaps created by missing teeth, improving both aesthetics and functionality. Partial dentures are often secured in place using clasps or attachments, providing a more stable and comfortable fit.
  • Snap-in Dentures are held in place by dental implants or anchors on existing teeth, making them more stable and reliable than conventional dentures.
  • Immediate Dentures are typically placed the same day a patient’s teeth are removed/extracted.

affordable dentures near me

What Are the Steps for Getting Dentures?

If you require additional preparatory work, the number of visits needed to get dentures may be more. Otherwise, here’s what you can most likely expect as we go through the process of creating and implementing your treatment plan.

  • Dental Examination – Our team will start by examining your teeth and determining the state of your oral health.
  • Making The Dentures – After the initial consultation, our dentist will make a mold of your teeth and take measurements to ensure the dentures fit your remaining teeth exactly. We’ll then send the results to a dental lab to build the dentures according to the specifications.
    Full Denture Casting and molding process
  • Fitting The Dentures – Once the dentures are complete, we’ll bring you in for a fitting to ensure the dentures fit without any issues or pain. If necessary, we’ll make adjustments.
  • Adapting To Dentures – It may take some time to adjust to wearing, eating, and speaking with the dentures, but eventually, you’ll have the same control and function as you would with regular teeth.
  • Maintaining Your Dentures – Proper Oral Care: Regularly clean them to maintain their appearance and functionality. Brush them daily with a denture brush and use a denture cleanser to remove plaque and bacteria. Routine cleaning of your new dentures will help many patients with modern dentures and extend the time to repair or replacement.
  • Handle with Care: Handle your dentures carefully, avoiding dropping or exposing them to excessive force. Always rinse them over a soft surface or a water-filled sink to prevent damage.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to ensure your dentures are in good condition. Dentists can assess the fit, make necessary adjustments, and provide professional cleaning.
    Full Denture set

Affordable Dentures Prices Depending on Their Types

The prices of dentures can vary significantly based on factors ranging from the type of dentures and materials used to the clinic you go to. Here’s what you can expect to pay, depending on the type of dentures.

  • Full Dentures – A complete set of full dentures costs anywhere between $600 to $1000.
  • Partial Dentures: Prices for partial dentures start at around $300 to $500. The average cost ranges between $700 to $1800.
  • Snap-in Dentures: Denture prices for snap-in dentures start anywhere from $1000 and up.
  • Immediate Dentures: Authority Dental estimates that the average cost of immediate dentures is about $1900 for a full set of upper and lower.

Denture Care and Maintenance

Tips for Proper Denture Care and Maintenance

Do you know how to care for your dentures once you receive them? The following maintenance tips are essential for good oral health, especially if you have dentures. 

Daily Cleaning and Brushing

Brush your dentures twice daily to remove any plaque build-up and to prevent stains from certain foods or drinks. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture cleaner to scrub all surfaces of the removable teeth.

Handling and Care Dos and Don’ts

Always take out your dentures after eating and rinse them with water to remove any leftover food particles. We recommend leaving soaking them overnight to retain moisture and keep them fitting properly. Always handle your dentures carefully to avoid bending the clasps. 

Regular Dental Checkups

Your dentist will want to follow up with you and check your oral health and the condition of your dentures. Regular dental appointments also mean your dentures will get a professional cleaning. 

Avoiding Damaging Habits

Hot water, bleach, and abrasive cleaning materials can damage the surface of your dentures. Be mindful of this when handling them. 

Replacement and Lifespan of Dentures

Your dentures can last several years with proper care. However, you’ll likely need to replace them with a new fitted pair at some point.

Finding Affordable Dentures Near You

Dentures offer a practical and cost-effective solution for individuals seeking to restore their smiles on a budget. By understanding the various options available, considering factors influencing affordability, and utilizing practical tips

If you have ever asked yourself the question, “Can I get affordable dentistry for traditional dentures or implant-supported dentures near me?” the answer is yes!  At Smile Bright Dentures, we pride ourselves on keeping dental care affordable.

When deciding between dentures, the cost should never be the most significant part of the discussion. This is why we offer various payment options and financing.

Contact us today at (425) 407-5150 to schedule an appointment.